Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My Brother-In-Law

The is a LO of me and Trentster (my BIL). I hate that he lives so far away....seeing him is now a rarity. I can't imagine how his poor mother (my wonderful MIL) stands being so far away from her son! I sure miss picking on him and watching he and my hubby wrestle and beat each other up....good times =) Sure do luv the little bugger!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

My Etsy Shop! "Meesterflye's Pad"

I'm so excited!! By the persistent effort of my wonderful MIL, I have created my own Etsy shop (the same shop Elsie's with).
Etsy is for handmade items so it's a lot of fun to browse through! Check it out and let me know what you think!
It's so fun to know that I can make stuff and have others enjoy! This also means that I can alter items that I don't have room for around my own house! Ha!

Or check it out (and bookmark it):


Thanks, Kylie !!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Visual DNA

This Visual DNA stuff was fun to make!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Here are 2 of my self-portraits....
they definitely show 2 sides of my quirky personality! You just shouldn't take yourself too seriously!

The one just above is me keeping an eye out for the other faeries.

The pic below was taken at the Fairhope Pier in Alabama. Luv that place!

Monday, April 02, 2007


Well, I had a wonderful yet crappy weekend! I couldn't wait for last week to end...kids are definitely wearing on my nerves. Don't get me wrong, I love them...but we all need a break from each other!
My friend, Becky, and I were going to Debbie's to crop with her and Lynne! My friend had never been to Debbie's and never been to a weekend crop! She also just started scrapbooking. Unfotunately, Friday and Saturday night everyone crapped out by 1ish...well, except Debbie of course =) Then I felt bad most of Saturday. I even got tackled pretty much to get my finger pricked for blood sugar!! I think everyone realized just how much of a baby I really am!!
Do you know what happened Sunday morning when it was time to pack up and go home?? That's right, I felt motivated to scrap and felt 100% better! I was so disappointed! Thank goodness I have another scrapbook weekend in 2 weeks =) I definitely have to make up for my lack of scrapbooking!
I am completely excited that I DID get to spend time with Debbie, Lynne, and our new convert Becky =)

Oh! The ipod! What a great way to spend a 3-hour drive (which turned into a 5-hour drive)...have your ipod play through your car stereo! Fun!
Another great use of the ipod....when your SO-CALLED FRIENDS blast ROD STEWART which always seems to come on 500 times when I'm in Alabama! Just tune out Rod's nasty voice by plugging up your ears with your ipod! Ha!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I was definitely bummed the other day. Well, let's just say I had a bittersweet moment. I saw that Elsie was holding a Q & A contest to give away some goodies she personally picked out! Of course, I got excited and immediately thought of a question to email her. I asked her what celebrity - love or hate - she would scrap and what she would scrap of that person. Even though I already knew the answer, Gwen Stefani...duh, I thought it was a fitting question. Well....the next day I looked in my inbox and lo and behold....an EMAIL FROM ELSIE HERSELF!!
It was the answer to my question! I RUSHED to her blog to see if she posted my question. I just knew that she had! When I got to her site....nothing. Just some stupid girl's question. It was lame and cheezy! If Elsie knew how much I wanted her personally picked items she would have sent them to me anyway =(
Oh well. At least I got an email from her!

Monday, March 05, 2007

My Messy Scrap Spaces

My friends and I at PPSC have decided to share our messy....or clean....scrap spaces. I have my stuff all packed away seeing as how I don't seem to crop at home anymore. I did, however, take my embellies and stickers out to organize into my new PSP binders (which I luv). The pics show my stuff spread out all over the living room floor and stacked in the dining room! I know you are all JEALOUS!! Ha!